

Boy oh boy. Do I ever have exciting news to share with all of you. I have officially made the bold switch (no pun intended) to what seems to be the greatest invention of our time, And what I know will soon become my new best friend.

Yes, that is right. I have officially joined team iPhone and from what I have experienced thus far, This friendship is sure to last a lifetime. Aside from its beautiful asthetic, and seamless syncing process with my Mac laptop, there is one app in particular that I am over the moon excited about. Finally, I am a user of Instagram.

So, with that in mind, I leave you with my first Instagram masterpiece. Let it be known now that there is plenty more where that came from.

Robert Clergerie x Opening Ceremony

Expect to hear from me a lot more of often...xx

P.s. I believe it is only fair to give credit to Ms. Siri as she obediently typed out every word written for this post. Couldn't have done it without her...

1 comment:

  1. Sooooooo sad to see you go from my bb world.....but love the instagram! as for the shoes, simply fabulous!


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