
The clothes don't make the man, it's the man that makes the clothes

No my little dearies (aka readers), contrary to popular belief I have not forgotten about you. I've been uber busy lately with school and such - actually, I just got home from writing a practice SAT - that I have not even had a spare second to update this pupper.

But I'm bad, I'm bold, and I'm back in action. WATCH OUT Y'ALL, the b***h is back.

Two weeks ago (on my 2-year blogaversary) I attended the INTERMIX Toronto launch party in the hip, hop, and happening Distillery District. Aside from the fashionable attendees, which was obviously a given, there was also a musical guest of honour. Theophilus London is the name that if you've heard, you can obviously understand the excitement that I felt when he performed, and if you haven't heard well, I direct you here. Oh and have I mentioned that we have the same jacket? Because we do...

 The man in action. What a god. (Versace x H&M jacket - a large trend spotted throughout the evening)

 Yeeaaaaah that's my momma in the back there...

TOPSHOP leggings and boots, AMERICAN APPAREL collared sleeveless tank (what do we think, do I wear this enough? wink, wink), PREEN LINE sweater, MIU MIU necklace

Haro Keledijan, co-owner of the New York mecca (INTERMIX, that is)

Party goers (blogger Jay Strut on the right clad in Versace x H&M)

photos via Jay Strut, Olenonly, and me

∞ x's and o's. xx

P.s. For those who are not in the loop, click here! Oh, and here.

P.p.s. For those who want to STAY in the loop, save yourself the time of clicking the links above and just click here.


  1. Ahh so jealous that I couldn't make it! Looks like you had so much fun!

  2. LOVE the party blog.....go girl!


My favourite part of having a blog is knowing others read my foolish thoughts. I'd love to hear from you folks...